Late Absence



Attendance Champion: Mr Porter

Attendance Lead: Mrs Whiteman

Pupil attendance at Holden Clough is taken very seriously. We believe that for a child to reach their full academic potential at school, high attendance is critical. If they are consistently late or absent from classes they will be missing important information which will have an impact on their education and learning. 

We endeavour to support Parents/Carers in overcoming any barriers to achieving regular school attendance.

School opens at 8.40am with registration period finishing at 8.50am. It is vital that all pupils arrive on time and are present for registration. If for any reason your child is late to school, they must report to reception straight away where the morning’s absence will be recorded as 'late' (before 9.20am) or ‘unauthorised absence’ (after 9.20am). Lateness is closely monitored by the school and the Education Welfare Officer.

If your child is absent from school for any reason, please contact the school's main office each morning so that their absence is registered. This can be done by telephone: 0161 330 5248 or by email:

Reporting pupil absence plays a vital role in our Safeguarding procedure.

We ask that Parents/Carers organise family holidays for outside of term time.


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