School Meals
School meals are a wonderful way to provide children with a nutritious, healthy, warm meal every day they are at school. These early learning experiences help children to developing positive eating habits which will have a significant impact when they are required to make their own food choices in secondary school.
Children who have a nutritionally balanced meal will be able to concentrate better during afternoon lessons. Also the act of children sitting down and eating lunch with their peers helps them develop social and interpersonal skills. Our catering provider is Robertson’s Catering and they ensure that we have a varied, well balance menu with plenty of choice.
We have a pre-order school dinner system which operates on a three week cycle and the menus are changed twice a year.
School meals are free to all children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) and £13.40 per week (£2.68 per day) for children in Years 3-6.
Meals are to be paid for via our cashless system ParentPay. You can choose how many meals to pay for, whether it be weekly, monthly, half termly or whatever you prefer. Meals must be paid for in advance and school will automatically receive notification of your payment by email.
If your child would like to change to or from school meals, one weeks’ notice is required.
Free School Meals
Some children may be eligible for free school meals regardless of age if their Parents/Carers are in receipt of certain benefits. Please visit this website where the eligibility criteria is listed. To make an application please visit this website.
Your child may also be entitled to Free School Meals with access to the Pupil Premium Grant.
Allergies and Intolerances
If your child has any medically diagnosed food allergies or intolerances, please contact the school office for a copy of Robertson Catering's allergy / intolerance information form.