Subject Leader: Miss Hanrahan
At Holden Clough Primary, our geography curriculum is designed to inspire a sense of curiosity about the world and its diverse environments, people, and cultures. Through engaging lessons and activities, we encourage children to develop a strong understanding of their own place in the world while fostering a passion for exploring global issues such as climate change, sustainability, and the interdependence of communities.
Our geography curriculum aims to equip children with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to explore the world around them. We want pupils to develop a sense of responsibility for the planet and to understand how physical and human processes shape the environment. By encouraging exploration and enquiry, we aim to create informed global citizens who appreciate the importance of sustainable living.
At Holden Clough, we use the Kapow Geography scheme, which provides a comprehensive and progressive approach to geography.
Key Stage 1: Children are introduced to basic geographical concepts such as place, location, and the environment through local studies and comparisons with other places in the world. Pupils use simple maps, develop observational skills, and learn about key physical features such as rivers, mountains, and weather patterns.
Key Stage 2: The curriculum expands to cover more complex topics such as world biomes, climate change, human geography, and global trade. Pupils engage in fieldwork, map work, and geographical enquiry to deepen their understanding of how human and physical processes interact. Our curriculum is enriched through practical activities, local visits, and the use of digital mapping tools to explore geographical themes.
By the end of their time at Holden Clough Primary, pupils will have a strong understanding of both the local and global geography. They will be able to use geographical tools such as maps, atlases, and digital resources to explore physical and human landscapes. Our curriculum ensures that children leave with a deep appreciation for the environment and the knowledge of how to care for it sustainably. They will be confident in discussing global challenges and the importance of geography in understanding and addressing these issues.
To find out more about the curriculum your school is following please contact the school office