Homework - Year 6
The Year 6 homework policy differs slightly from the rest of the school. For any further information please check class dojo or alternatively speak to Miss Hanrahan/Miss Hollingworth. Homework allocations are stated below. Also, feel free to access the links below for any additional material that will help your child prepare further for SATs!
Monday - Practice arithmetic paper given out to be returned following Monday whereby we will mark as a class addressing misconcpetions.
Wednesday – SPAG - pages set from the CGP book whereby we will mark as a class addressing misconceptions.
Friday - Maths Reasoning - Pages set from the CGP book whereby we will mark as a class addressing misconceptions.
There is also an expectation that children read every day. Recommended reading lists can be found below. It also important children continue to develop their arithmetical proficiency by accessing Deepening Understanding & TT Rockstars.